Een overzicht van de gebruikte afkortingen op deze website.
AB: Anchor Bible
ANTC: Abingdon New Testament Commentaries
BECNT: Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
BCBC: Believers Church Bible Commentary
BNTC: Black’s New Testament Commentaries
BTC: Brazos Theological Commentary
BTCP: Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary
CC: Concordia Commentary
CNT2: Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament, 2e serie
CNT3: Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament, 3e serie
EBC: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
ECC: Eerdmans Critical Commentary
EKK: Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum NT
Herm: Hermeneia
HNT: Handbuch zum Neuen Testament
HTA: Historisch Theologische Auslegung, Neues Testament
ICC: International Critical Commentary
Int: Interpretation
IVPNTC: The IVP New Testament Commentary Series
KEK: Kritisch-Exegetischer Kommentar (= Meyers Kommentar)
NAC: New American Commentary
NCBC: New Cambridge Bible Commentary
NCCS: New Covenant Commentary Series
NEB: Die Neue Echter-Bibel
NIB: New Interpreters Bible (meerdere Bijbelboeken per deel)
NIBC: New International Biblical Commentary
NICNT: New International Commentary on the NT
NIGNT: New International Greek Testament Commentary
NIVAC: NIV Application Commentary
NLCNT: New London Commentary on the New Testament
NTD: Neues Testament Deutsch
NTL: The New Testament Library
ÖTK: Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament
PC: Pentecostal Commmentary
PCNT: Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament
Pillar: Pillar New Testament Commentary
RNT: Regensburger NT
RNBC: Readings: A New Biblical Commentary
SGBC : The Story of God Bible Commentary
SHBC: Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary
SP: Sacra Pagina
ThHNT: Theologischer Handkommentar zum NT
ThKNT: Theologischer Kommentar zum NT
THNTC: Two Horizons New Testament Commentary
TNTC: Tyndale New Testament Commentary
WBC: Word Biblical Commentary
ZECNT: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
ZB: Zürcher Bibelkommentare